Hell hath no fury
Published Tuesday, August 22, 2006 by Shanghai-ed | E-mail this post
I've recently been re-working a paper I had written for an Organizational Behavior course in University. The case/analysis draws inspiration from the Hell Fire Club of England, and several versions of the club that sprang up in years (and decades) following. This paper includes autobiographical elements from my High School years where I started a group by the same name. Our goals at that time, differed from the original...in part because we didn't have the resources, but a group of 15-17 year olds can come up with some creative solutions. We were a social club more then anything and borrowing from William Golding's, Lord of the Flies, we hosted our parties on a nearby island that would today resemble the TV show Survivor. (This was long before the TV show and I'm still waiting for those residuals)...
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